Due to technical difficulties, I present days 7, 8, 9, and 10 of NaPoWriMo.
Long Night
Long Night has fallen,
Our hearts broken and sullen,
It was so sudden.
Our Dreams
Our dreams fade,
Our dreams die,
Our dreams end,
Our dreams never lie.
We dream our dreams
And never doubt,
Never wonder
What our dreams are about.
Our dreams have the meanings
That we give them.
Our dreams only ask
That we believe in them.
If that happens,
Our dreams never fade,
Our dreams never die,
Our dreams won’t end,
Our dreams will fly.
Heaven Is Not Enough For My Wanderlusting Soul
Heaven is not enough
For my wanderlusting soul.
Hell cannot contain
What it cannot control.
My soul wants to fly,
To see the stars
And worlds beyond the sky
Instead of angels or demons
At the end of day.
If there is free will,
Then my soul too is free.
Free to roam and fly,
Not any lord’s property.
Samsara turns,
Yugas blossom and fade,
Still my soul is my own,
Not an item to trade.
So I stand tall
Against all
Who would seek to own my soul.
For they are in for a fight,
Against all my might.
Because Heaven is not enough
For my wanderlusting soul.
Green Hills Of Earth (with apologies to Robert A. Heinlein)
The green hills of Earth,
The world of my birth,
Source of my mirth,
Cause of my girth,
Yet not part of my worth,
Is only the berth
For my ship to the stars
That travels far,
Visiting other daystars,
Flying past pulsars
And quasars
Like a scimitar
Leaving a small scar
On the face of the starry night.