Howdy, folks. I'm not sure if anybody is actually checking this blog on a regular basis. I know I tend not to. But some may be checking here after my participation in NaPoWriMo or other reasons. Well, I have good reasons for ya today. Total Recall #1 from Dynamite Entertainment is out today. I wrote it, amazingly enough, and am proud of it. But I'm also nervous and worried about the reactions. So to distract myself but also to share my insights into the process of creating this project I started a new series in my column Omnium Gatherum about how I got this project. I start off talking about pitching. I even learned a few things about the process as I wrote this column. Take a look. See ya. Namaste.
A gathering of thoughts and ramblings by an editor/writer on the outskirts of the American comics industry. This blog serves as the current home to my Omnium Gatherum column, which began at the late, great