Yesterday, history was made. Barack Obama was elected as the 44th President of the United States. Wow! As the results came in, as my state California helped to put Obama over the 270 electoral vote hump, I thought of my father. Of how he isn't alive to see this day. Yet this was a day that he told his sons would come. That they could be and do anything they wanted in America. If they worked hard enough. If they dreamed long and hard and true enough. Even the highest office in this land was not beyond the realm of possibilities for his African American sons. I think Pop would have smiled and cried a little at what I saw, what the whole world saw last night. Following Obama's lead, today begins the new work, the tough work of getting America back to being that shining place on the hill. What strikes me is how I don't think many African Americans fully realize Obama's election asks of us to stand taller, to be better. Not to slam anyone directly, the last couple of ...
A gathering of thoughts and ramblings by an editor/writer on the outskirts of the American comics industry. This blog serves as the current home to my Omnium Gatherum column, which began at the late, great